"This skincare line has saved my skin. If you have cystic painful hormonal acne that's so tender to the touch, applying makeup is a painful chore, look no further! This recovery cream INSTANTLY changed my skin, the FIRST night I applied it and when I woke up this morning I was so shocked. My texture felt like a baby's butt! I couldn't believe my bumpy dry skin was completely flat, supple, hydrated, and smooth. Elina saved my skin. I use the botanical cleanser, restoring dew elixir, and this recovery cream to bring my skin back to life. I disposed my tretinoin cream that destroyed my moisture barrier and reaked havoc on my skin. I cannot believe how bright my complexion looks! My acne scars and cystic acne have faded away. Thank you elina! I'm 22 and will only use this skincare for the rest of my life! Cant wait to try more products." –Dina

Key Ingredients